Conversation cards for families living with older people with learning disabilities.
To help think about the future, prepare for parental death and transitions in care.
Our team at Kingston University worked together with families and people with learning disabilities to develop these cards.
This was part of the Growing Older, Planning Ahead study (2020-2023).
You can find out more about the study here:
Easy-read version of the project report (6 pages)
Plain English summary (58 pages)
Full study report (194 pages)
The cards are freely available. You can use them online, print them yourselves, or get them printed professionally.
Printable version of the cards (home printing)
Cards formatted for professional printing
Watch this video, showing how you can use the cards:
Click here for access to two FREE online OpenLearn courses, developed from the findings of the study:
(1) A course to help family members navigate the care system as their relative gets older
(2) A course for anyone working with older people with learning disabilities (suitable for registered professionals and non-registered health and social care workers)