Talking About Dying Survey (2017-2018)

What is the Talking About Dying Survey?

This UK-wide survey investigated the experiences of staff talking to people with learning disabilities about death, dying and bereavement.

We wanted to know:

  • How much are staff confronted with the death, dying and bereavement at work? (i.e. a person with learning disabilities is dying, or is bereaved)
  • How do staff communicate about death and dying with the people they support?
  • How do staff cope with all this?

Almost 700 staff took part in the survey (in 2017-2018). They worked with people with learning disabilities in residential and supported living services across the UK.

Results and top tips


Introduction to the survey by Prof Irene Tuffrey-Wijne

Five stories

If you were terminally ill… would you want to know?